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fadeDuration — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.ImageSlideshow
fadeDuration — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Slideshow
Cross-fade duration in milliseconds, must be less than seqeunce rate
fadein(index:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.ImageSlideshow
Fades in
fadein(index:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Slideshow
adds the slideshow items and tweening for current item
fadeIn(dur:Number) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
fadeIn(speed:Object, callback:Object) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
fadeout(index:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.ImageSlideshow
Fades out
fadeout(index:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Slideshow
tweening for last item and removes the slide show items
fadeOut(dur:Number) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
fadeOut(speed:Object, callback:Object) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
fadeoutDuration — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
Set the fadeout time for an object that's timed out.
fadeTo(speed:Object, to:Number, callback:Object) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
FanLayout — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.layouts
The FanLayout positions the corners of the container's objects in the same location and rotates them individually around the corner.
FanLayout() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.layouts.FanLayout
file — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.managers.CSSManager
Sets the file name that css manger process
fileCount — Static Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.managers.FileManager
The number of files in file list
FileEvent — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.events
The FileEvent is dispatched during file loading operations.
FileEvent(type:String, path:String, data:any, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.events.FileEvent
Creates a FileEvent object and sets defaults
fileList — Static Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.managers.FileManager
FILE_LOADED — Constant Static Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.events.FileEvent
Event constant
FileManager — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.managers
The FileManager handles the loading of all external files with exception of CSS files.
FileManager() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.managers.FileManager
fileSize — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.WAV
FILES_LOADED — Constant Static Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.events.FileEvent
Event constant
fileTypes — Static Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.managers.FileManager
fill — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Accordion
Choose whether to use a solid fill color or gradient.
fill — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.DropDownMenu
Background color for the menu, default grey
fill — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.ScrollBar
The scrollbar fill (background color).
fill — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.factories.GraphicFactory
Sets fill type, choose: color, gradient todo: implement shader and bitmap fills
fillAlpha — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.factories.GraphicFactory
Sets fill alpha when fill type is color
filter(t:Object) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
filter(t:String, r:Array, not:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
filterDial — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Dial
The Dial object used to filter the text values of this Dial based on its current selection.
filtersArray — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.OrbMenu
Defines array for drop shadow filter.
find(t:any) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
find(t:String, context:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
findClusterConstants() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findGestureDoubleTap(event:com.gestureworks.events:GWGestureEvent, key:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.TemporalMetric
findGestureTap(event:flash.events:TouchEvent, key:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.TemporalMetric
findGestureTripleTap(event:com.gestureworks.events:GWGestureEvent, key:int) — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.TemporalMetric
findInstDimention() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findInstOrientation() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findInstPivot() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findLockedPoints(hold_dist:Number, hold_time:Number, hold_number:Number) — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanInst3DMotionTransformation() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanInstAcceleration() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanInstRotation() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanInstSeparation() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanInstTransformation() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanInstTranslation() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanTemporalAcceleration() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findMeanTemporalVelocity() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findPathProperties() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.VectorMetric
findSensorJolt() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.KineMetric
findStrokeGesture() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.VectorMetric
findTimelineGestures() — method, class com.gestureworks.analysis.TemporalMetric
firstChild(node:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.document
FLASHPLAYER — Static Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.SystemDetection
flash player information
FLICK — Static Property, class com.gestureworks.events.GWGestureEvent
Flickr — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.element
The Flick element provides access to images stored on Flickr through the Flickr API.
Flickr() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Flickr
FlickrQuery — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.element
The FlickQuery is designed to be used with the dock to set a query in CML that may be used in conjunction with searchFields and the dials to provide a way to search via groups, users, and tags.
FlickrQuery() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.FlickrQuery
flickrSearch() — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.FlickrQuery
FlickrViewer — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.components
The FlickrViewer component is primarily meant to display a Flickr element and its associated meta-data.
FlickrViewer() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.FlickrViewer
float — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Stepper
Sets the boolean flag for decimal or integers.
fn — Property, class com.gestureworks.objects.ClusterObject
fn — Property, class com.gestureworks.objects.GestureObject
focus(f:Function) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
focusIn(f:Function) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
focusOut(f:Function) — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.utils.as3Query
font — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Accordion
Set the font of the tabs.
font — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.DropDownMenu
Font style of the menu
font — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.TLF
font name, use CFF embeded fonts
font — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.factories.TextFactory
Sets the font of the text
fontAlpha — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.RadioButtons
The alpha for the labels.
fontArray — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
fontColor — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Accordion
Set the font color.
fontColor — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.RadioButtons
fontIncrement — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
font increment
FontManager — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.managers
The FontManager loads embedded fonts.
FontManager — class, package com.gestureworks.managers
fontSize — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Accordion
Set the font size.
fontSize — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Dial
Sets the font size.
fontSize — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.DropDownMenu
defines the font size
fontSize — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.RadioButtons
fontSize — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.factories.TextFactory
Sets the font size of the text
fontStyle — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.RadioButtons
forward() — method, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Slideshow
resume method
fovMax — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Panoramic
Sets maximum spread of the field of view.
fovMin — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Panoramic
Sets the minimum spread of the field of view.
fps — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Camera
The maximum rate at which the camera can capture data, in frames per second.
frame — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
Sets the frame element.
frame — Property, class com.gestureworks.objects.TimelineObject
Frame — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.element
The Frame element create display object frames.
Frame() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Frame
frameAlpha — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Frame
Sets frame thickness
frameColor — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Frame
Sets frame thickness
FrameElement — class, package com.gestureworks.cml.element
Deprecated: Please Use com.gestureworks.cml.element.Frame
FrameElement() — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.FrameElement
frameID — Static Property, class com.gestureworks.core.GestureGlobals
frameID frame stamp relative to start of application.
frameID — Property, class com.gestureworks.objects.PointObject
FrameObject — class, package com.gestureworks.objects
frameRate — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.kits.StageKit
FrameRate — class, package com.gestureworks.utils
FrameRate(xPos:int, yPos:int, color:uint, fillBackground:Boolean, backgroundColor:uint) — Constructor, class com.gestureworks.utils.FrameRate
frameShape — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Frame
Sets frame shape
framesPerPacket — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Microphone
Number of Speex speech frames transmitted in a packet (message).
frameThickness — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.element.Frame
Sets frame thickness
front — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
Sets the front element.
fronts — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.components.Component
fullscreen — Property, class com.gestureworks.cml.kits.StageKit
Specifies whether or not to set the stage to fullscreen Choose: true or false
fullscreen — Property, class com.gestureworks.core.GestureWorksCore
Sets the application to fullscreen
func — Property, class com.gestureworks.objects.DimensionObject
func_factor — Property, class com.gestureworks.objects.DimensionObject
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